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erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This guesthouse I'm staying in Leh is super priceworthy. I pay 300 rupees a night, which is a bit more than 6 dollars, get a spacious room and beautiful room with big windows, through which I can see one of the snowy himalayan peaks. The room is clean with beautiful carpets, a double bed, a set of confortable chinese couches, three coffee tables and a sitting mattress lying on the floor. I think the room is designed for 2-3 guests, and I'd still be very happy if I have to share this room with someone else. It is THE ideal room to read in, which helps a lot since I'm still suffering under AMS and getting used to the air here. Leh is 3505 m high from sea level, so usually it's suggested to relax and do nothing within the 36 hours of arrival. I walked around the town today and felt easily tired, just a few stairs could let me pant.

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McLeod Ganj

erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Everyone is starring at me, taking pictures. Have they seen any Taiwanese? Well at least they probably have seen asians, I met two korean girls today in the Temple accomodation. It also happened in Delhi, but today a woman took it even further. She stopped me and asked for a photo of me. I agreed and smiled at her Nokia. Then she asked to have a photo with me. Why not? I pulled out my camera and made the same request, she had her picture, I had mine, everyone is happy.

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erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


結果連台北的住宿都還沒搞好是怎樣  XD

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