CSer1:「Warum isst man vegetarisches "Fleisch" ?(人幹嘛要吃素肉?)」
CSer1:「Warum isst man vegetarisches "Fleisch" ?(人幹嘛要吃素肉?)」
老實說,本來在家裡放玫瑰只是為了轉轉桃花運;又想說,如果買切花一直換也太貴了,買盆花來種比較划算。所以拿兩盆,小盆的粉紅色,大盆的桃紅色。 沒想到養了幾天,看著含苞待放的花苞漸漸長大、打開,竟也感染了玫瑰的生命力,於是開始勤奮地換盆、上網查養花方式。看了大家的養玫瑰心得,只能恨自己沒 有個小花圃,盆花似乎還是比較少人種,而我看外面的花圃玫瑰,每一棵都長到好大一叢,甚至還結玫瑰果呢!
This guesthouse I'm staying in Leh is super priceworthy. I pay 300 rupees a night, which is a bit more than 6 dollars, get a spacious room and beautiful room with big windows, through which I can see one of the snowy himalayan peaks. The room is clean with beautiful carpets, a double bed, a set of confortable chinese couches, three coffee tables and a sitting mattress lying on the floor. I think the room is designed for 2-3 guests, and I'd still be very happy if I have to share this room with someone else. It is THE ideal room to read in, which helps a lot since I'm still suffering under AMS and getting used to the air here. Leh is 3505 m high from sea level, so usually it's suggested to relax and do nothing within the 36 hours of arrival. I walked around the town today and felt easily tired, just a few stairs could let me pant.