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erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

本來想要申請從漢堡轉學到柏林,我真的很想念柏林的一切。有首曲子「Berliner Luft(柏林空氣)」相信六七年級生會感到耳熟:


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Few weeks ago I decided to try make some bread, the Swiss "Zopf" bread. It was not bad, edible, but I forgot one fact: I don't eat bread that often. At least not at home. So I had a whole loaf laying there for a whole week, until it became hard and dry, hardly edible anymore.

Didn't know what to do with it, conplained about this to my friend Y.

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erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

For chinese, please look below (中文請往下)

Knowing my best friend Bay was coming to Europe, I was more than excited to see her. They say the Schengen Visa would be lifted for the Taiwanese early this year, so she didn't bother to apply for a visa before leaving Taiwan.  The plan was, stay in UK for half year, wait for the visa free situation, and the come to Germany and visit me.

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照完才發現背景好凌亂喔,可是我懶得重照了,請大家忽略 XD

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erhugirl1213 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

They say, you have to learn so many chinese characters, it's too difficult so they're too lazy to learn it. I say, you european languages, using 26 or slightly more alphabets, you had a great chance to make your language simple and easy to learn, why do you make it so complicated?

In Chinese, a bus is called a "public wagon", we don't need a new word for it. Shampoo is "wash hair water", Perfum is "fragrance water", envelop is "letter seal". If you are bad in chemistry, you would probably have no clue what an "Isotope" is, while the chinese name suggests it's a "same-position-element". If you heard about the periodic table, you could have a chance to guess the correct meaning, but even if not, at least it's clear it's an "element". Why name communism "communism", while you can name it "share-property-ism"? Why make life so complicated by specifying everything? You'll say it's too long. So? There are German words as long as "Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft". Ok, this is an extreme example, but if you know a bit German, you would know there are many very long words.

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